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Free Consultation

Available Online

Or Call (410) 212-4144 anytime for Consultation or to Book remote sessions.

30 minOnline or phone call

Service Description

We can talk for about a half hour on the phone, FaceTime or Zoom. Let's get to know one another and see how hypnotherapy, meditation and/or life coaching would benefit you.

Cancellation Policy

Time. If sessions run over the maximum time allotted, the next session will be reduced by the overage of the last session. If this occurs during the last session, the client will be expected to pay $39 for each 15-minute segment as follows: 5 to 15 minutes = $39. Booking & Payment Advance Payment Policy. Except for VIP Clients (who have earned 50 points –10 for each hour), appointments are confirmed after payment is received. Insurance. We do not bill them. Refunds. Client may receive a refund in the form of a check, in the unlikely event that they decide to decline services for any reason, before or during the first session up until hypnosis is received. The amount of the refund would be the price paid, net of the time used at the regular hourly price, $39 processing fee and purchase processing fees. All services, EXCEPT gift cards and certificates, must be used within a year of purchase. Refunds will not be made after a year of purchase even if no services were performed. Cancellations. If Client texts Janis at least by 10 AM on the day of the appointment there will be no missed appointment charge. If not, Client may still reschedule and pay applicable missed appointment fees. Emergency and weather situations will be examined on a case-by-case basis. Missed Appointment Fees. If Client contacts Janis after 10 AM on the day of the appointment to cancel, there will be a $100 fee. If Client simply does not show up for their appointment, there will be a no- show fee of $155. Professional Courtesy, Partnerships and Client Safety. Clients who are currently receiving care from a health care professional for the same concern for which they are seeking hypnotherapy will be expected to get a note from said professional stating that they are aware that the client has requested hypnosis and that they see no contraindication. Client may request a form to facilitate this process or they may simply write a note on their professional stationary. Clients who have been diagnosed with Heart Disease, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Chronic Depression, or Bi-polar Disorder must provide a doctor’s written acknowledgment stating that to the best of their knowledge client is an appropriate candidate for hypnotherapy, ie. there is no known health risk such that hypnotherapy would be contraindicated for this client.

Contact Details


Located on the second floor of the building on the right. Hypnotherapy by the Bay LLC, 613 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD, USA

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